Let’s Drink – Gulf Shores, Flora – Bama
We came here to Gulf Shores to meet up with one of Tim’s cousins. Cindy and Dennis winter down here in Gulf Shores for 10 weeks. Cindy suggested we go to Flora – Bama and get bushwacked by their famous Bushwacker.

For those who don’t know a Bushwacker is a chocolate liqueur drink that includes rum, milk, cream of coconut plus or minus a few other alcohols depending on the establishment’s recipe. They were very good and I definitely started feeling it about halfway through my drink.

Above is a picture of the Liqueur Room. They have all of their hard liqueur on tap. Different brands of hard liqueur lined the walls and supply lines run from this room to all the different bars located on the property.

There are five music stages throughout Flora – Bama. It is one of the world’s top beach bars. Flora – Bama boasts it is a honky-tonk but they also have rock, dance and beach music. Many celebrities stop by to just enjoy a drink or perform.

They also hold several annual events. There are beach concerts, fishing rodeos, chili cook-offs, marathons and many more. Tim and I look forward to coming back here to enjoy more of the music and possibly attend an event.
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3 thoughts on “Let’s Drink – Gulf Shores, Flora – Bama”
Love the Flora-Bama, been bushwacked a couple of times as my parents use to winter in Gulf Shores, love the area. Beth and I love reading about all your well deserved adventures, sounds like you both are having a great time.
Thank you for the reply and for following our blog. The flora – Bama is great, I don’t think our blog did it justice.
Paul & I had much fun spending time with you both! Hope you we’re able to get out and explore without us!
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