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Tag: fishing

Fishing Florida

Fishing Florida

Marks boat was all set up with rod holders and a generator that ran lights all around the boat. The lights attract bugs, which attract baitfish which attract crappie.

Kayaks For Our Adventure

Kayaks For Our Adventure

We got the PDL or pedal drive kayaks because I have tried to fish with a paddle in my had and I didn’t like it. It is much easier to fish when you have both hands free. And if it is windy or there is current, you have to be constantly paddling without the pedal drives.

Catfish Heaven Aquafarm And Campground, St. Martinville, LA

Catfish Heaven Aquafarm And Campground, St. Martinville, LA

o the 1st day there the owner told me to watch for the alligator in the back pond. He said I was probably OK, it’s been so cold and rainy he wouldn’t be on the bank sunning himself. I halfway thought he was just pulling my leg, but he insisted the gator had been hanging around in one corner of the pond, and they had been trying to catch him and take him to the bayou.
To catch him, I just threw the treble hook past him, reeled it up to him and snagged him. I hooked him and Sherry called Dave, but he got off and I actually hooked him 2 more times before I got him hooked good. I had to fight him for what seemed like 1/2 hour, but I’m sure it was just several minutes until Dave and his helper Jimmy showed up with a catchpole.

Poche’s Rv Park & Fish-N-Camp, Breaux Bridge, LA

Poche’s Rv Park & Fish-N-Camp, Breaux Bridge, LA

As my friends and family know, I love to fish. While we were at Poche’s RV Park & Fish-N-Camp we had a pond about 10 yards from our back deck, a pond about 50 yards out the front of our RV, and a pond about 30 yards from the side of our RV. In total there are 5 ponds at Poche’s. They are stocked with bass, bream, sac-a-lait, and catfish. For my friends and family from IL, bream = bluegill, sac-a-lait = crappie.

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